Our new mission statement

The Economic Development Commission has spent the last few months discussing its mission statement. Discussing the mission statement is always an effective way to reset thinking and crystalize in our own minds the ‘Why’ of an organization. A good mission statement helps teams stay focused on what it’s priorities should be. This was a suitable time to review the mission statement as the EDC has several new members and will be adding new priorities because a number of its projects have recently come to fruition. E.g., The establishment of a Cultural District and the Town’s decision to acquire the Circus Lot.

The EDC’s updated mission “is to advance the Town’s economic prosperity; foster equitable and sustainable growth; and champion a thriving community.”

The EDC agreed that its mission is larger than just growing the tax base of the Town. While growing the tax base is important to help offset the tax burden for existing taxpayers, there are many unquantifiable and intangible benefits to living and investing in a town that is vibrant and has a thriving community. Vibrant and welcoming communities take pride in their appearance and offer bike paths, access to waterways, nature trails and cultural activities. The more people see Stonington as a wonderful place to live, work and play, the more sustainable our community will be. 


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